New Year’s Message

Hello Everyone, Happy New Year. We had a great year up here at Glencadia and here are some highlights: Our First Letter from Camp, Koda the Stick Stealer, or the Hole Digger, or a couple of doodles, Cooper Letter from Camp, or Puck, we did the Capture the Flag Contest. Puppies, expansions and improvement, all… Continue reading New Year’s Message

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Message about Monday, January 3 Routes

Hello New York Dog Families, All is well here at camp: it snows, then melts, then snows again. Between an exceptionally wet summer and fall and a wet winter, it’s a different kind of world this year. We’re uploading more galleries now (slowly) at and – check in a few hours, like after… Continue reading Message about Monday, January 3 Routes

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Communication on Drive Night and When Your Dog is at Camp

Hello and thank you for sending your dog to camp. This email is about communication during pick up and delivery with our free city van and checking for updates on your dog when you’re away. The short version: 1) Please help delivery by not changing your plans at the last minute. 2) Please be ready… Continue reading Communication on Drive Night and When Your Dog is at Camp

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