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Letter from Camp on IG
Peeper Day 2021
We have a pond here full of these little frogs people call peepers. They “peep” in the spring. The peeping can actually be quite loud. If you stand at the edge of the wetlands or the pond when they start in the evening, the noise can hurt your ears. In the winter, they bury themselves… Continue reading Peeper Day 2021
Happy New Year – to a great 2021 from Glencadia Dog Camp
As we welcome in a new year, I wanted to talk about something that will not change: our dog care philosophy. We do not hire a bunch of people at minimum wage to take dogs out for staged photos in stylized fake settings in small groups for brief periods. We have people who have worked… Continue reading Happy New Year – to a great 2021 from Glencadia Dog Camp
To Very Dogfull Thanksgiving! 🐶
Looking for the holliday drive schedule? Click here. Glencadia Dog Camp and all our employees have made it through this pandemic healthy and our business intact. I hope all our dog families out there in New York are getting through this year as well. We share the affection for your dogs, and through them, for… Continue reading To Very Dogfull Thanksgiving! 🐶
Holiday Preparations
With 2020 like it is, none of us really know what to do about Thanksgiving and December holidays, like Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Years. Here’s how we can help: we were surprised by the shut down last March. This time, we will guarantee a 100% refund on any booking if canceled 24 hours before the… Continue reading Holiday Preparations
Alternatives in Difficult Times
From time to time we get inquiries from people who are in a difficult situation with their dog and don’t know what to do. We are sympathetic and sometimes we can help. Sometimes it seems like it might be time for someone to give up custody of their dog. There are many different scenarios. If… Continue reading Alternatives in Difficult Times