November 23, 2020

To Very Dogfull Thanksgiving! 🐶

By glencadia2  

Looking for the holliday drive schedule? Click here.

Glencadia Dog Camp and all our employees have made it through this pandemic healthy and our business intact. I hope all our dog families out there in New York are getting through this year as well. We share the affection for your dogs, and through them, for all of their humans, and we greatly appreciate all the support of the community as we weathered an unexpected 95% drop in business for several months. I know lots of small businesses are struggling worse than us and we stand with you as well. This is a horrible situation and we are hopeful the US federal government will do more to support our customers, neighbors, and our allied small businesses and not just the monopolies, cartels, and oligarchs that seem to get blank checks for infinite zero interest loans from the federal reserve…

Leaving a mishandled pandemic and the failure of liberal democracy aside for the moment, in 2020, we still have much for which to be thankful. Dogs, for example, are adorable. Wagging the tail, being cute, lovely eyes, they push all our buttons. We humans have been living with dogs for 32,000 years or so (and they are still peeing on our tanned buffalo skins or whatever), but still, it’s such a good deal to have little four-legged friends that we’ve been taking the deal for it for a couple of millennia. We should be thankful for this special and unparalleled inter-species relationship most definitely.

What could be a better deal than a furry friend? Why, a furry friend AND Glencadia Dog Camp of course! Dogs still need a dog pack once and awhile and we are still not allowed to take dogs when we fly on our giant crows (humans didn’t but maybe could have flown on a California teratornithidae as late as 10,000 years ago).  (Digression: Imagine a human-teratornithidae relationship… wow, that would have been pretty cool…)

So, we have some special offers at this time of thanksgiving. First, it is not too late to book for Thanksgiving if you decide to fly the coop last minute and figure out away to make this harvest meal a safe event. We are coming to the city tomorrow, November 24, 2020 and can still take some more reservations.

Next, we have a package deal. Buy several weekend stays, and you get a discount.

Lastly, with the winter holidays approaching, we have a discount voucher you can use on any reservation for the holiday season made before December 1, 2020 – use END2020 and get 10% off on your holiday travel. And, as always, your deposit is refundable if you cancel with 24 hours of the start of your stay and there is only a $50 cancelation fee if you cancel after that.

So, celebrate. 2020 is ending. We have dogs. Giant crows? No… what else was there? Well, I’m sure you’ll think of something and celebrate it (and let me know what it is and I’ll celebrate it too!). Thank you much and best to all the dogs and their families.